A Special Trip to Cloudland Canyon

Cloudland Canyon is such a special trip for so many reasons.  Chris's grandmother, Edna Parsons, and her sisters came together for years to this beautiful place.  Now the families of those special ladies come together and continue the tradition.  After joining Chris's family it has become special to me too.  It is such a beautiful place and it is so nice to see family that you don't often get to see.  Our little ones run around and play so well together.  This year Chris and I were able to take off a day from work and start the fun weekend early.  Eleanor really enjoyed getting to play with her cousin, Adam that day.  They were so funny together.  The next day more of her cousins joined in on the fun and they all had a great time together.  The waterfall was the most gorgeous I think I have ever seen it.  There was so much water this year.  We saw a total of three waterfalls, two of which could be seen from the top of the canyon.  The changing leaves made for a beautiful backdrop for taking pictures.  We got some great ones this year!

Happy Fall Ya'll!


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